My Twitter:
My Rankings:
Pepsi uses Twitter to show great deals and it is effective.
Nikon posts a lot, but they always post deals and tips
They use Twitter to get their customers involved. It's great marketing
I think the guidelines pretty much fall under every other guideline we have discussed in this class thus far. Don't tweet anything that would offend people, don't use crass language, and use common sense. Like I said the guidelines are the same.
Twitter is better for some organizations. I think some companies don't want to regale people with long winded posts. Since there is a character limit on twitter, they can only post so much. The Squishable company utilizes all their social media platforms well, but they get more people interested by little tidbits on Twitter.
The social media sites I chose were: DeviantArt, Livejournal, and Pinterest
Deviantart allows users to share their artwork with others. This is a great niche community. You can also sell your items. They offer deals on the items they sell. You can also purchase a premium membership that allows more options.
Livejournal is a website that allows to write journal entries. This is a wonderful way to publish your thoughts and let loved ones know what is going on in your life. Livejournal offers premium services to users and they sell adspace.
Pinterest really is the mother of all awesome things. I use pinterest to post ideas for parties, recipes, home improvemet, and pretty much anything that sparks my interest. It's a wonderful way to organize thoughts and ideas. I don't see too much marketing content, but it does have the option where users can look up gifts on mostly Etsy.Com.